Sometimes I realize that repetition is a bane of our lives. The routine and rut of doing the same things over and over again provide at the same time a comfort and the known. When I got to college part of the attraction of life was the grand new adventure. I got a chance to work closely with the Dean of Student's office and it changed my approach to life. I had walked into college very shy and untried in anything. Within a year, I realized that I had a new addiction. The addiction was around having a 'yes' mentality. It centered around making choices on the next thing to do in the world. I discovered that I loved taking the next step. There was a 'rush' to life. When I had a new choice it pushed ahead of me causing me to take a huge risk and saying 'yes' instead of taking the easy and safe way.
I realized that in my past I had taken the safe route and it meant for a very simple future. It was an easy way to stay in the rut. The easy way meant I could see the future and it was often boring. After all, I was a Gemini and I like new things. When I started saying 'yes' my form of moving forward was really God! Soon I was stepping into always making the discernment to say 'yes' and then see where I was led.. Once I got on the 'yes' express everything changed.
In my life some of my decisions included moving to Australia; becoming a hypnotherapist; changing jobs; and becoming a minister. Boy, have I been on a leading edge of the West Wing television series when President Bartlet states "what's next?"
This leads to examining our way of living around holding on and letting go. I wrote a song our band sang called "Letting Go" that was centered around how much we can get caught up in holding on. It seems one of the shortcomings of our ego is to hold on to something much longer than making the decision to let go. I say shortcomings because holding on often is filled with regrets. We get caught up living in the past and become accustomed to being frozen from moving forward, Is it because our ego holds on to a part of the lack mentality?
It was the client in my hypnotherapy practice; she was in a terrible and abusive relationship. But she held on because she kknew what the relationship was about; if she let go and moved on she might end up with something worse.
Sometimes we fear taking the next step of letting go forgetting that all of life is a risk. But as I've said often the purpose of a boat is not to live forever in the harbot. It has to go out to see for the next adventure.
So never let the shadow of fear hold you back. This life is not a rehearsal; it is the only life we get. Make if memorable and live it full out. I want fo finish my life having used all of my body's energy - sliding in at the end with a piece of chocolate in one hand and a martini in the other hand exulting in the joy of the journey.
Disney park used to have tickets labeled A through E. A was the simplest of rides and E was the top of the line. Our life can be an E-ticket if we let go to it. Ride it well with both arms up in the air screaming out loud. Boom.........