Today I had enough energy to bake a loaf of Rosemary bread. It was close; today when I baked I took I came to points when my energy left. But it reminds me how much I love to bake.
My kitchen has been in later life a haven for me. My wife actually bought me a chef's jacket and a chef's hat. I wear them when I am baking.
Years ago when I had more energy I loved baking apple pies and pecan pies. I had a family friend who had a traditional pecan pie recipe that had come down through family generations. Her pecan pie was so much better that everyone knew she had baked it. Year after year I begged her for the recipe and she would not share it. Many had tried to get and it was her closely guarded secret. Finally the family was moving to Utah. I went over with other church members to help them move. The last day was Saturday and we finally got the last truck loaded. It was time to go. She came over and hugged me and as I turned to leave she handed me a folded piece of paper.
As they drove off, I opened the folded paper and it was her pecan pie recipe. The note also said, :don't tell anyone you have this and don't share it - it's just for you." I've used the recipe through the years and treasure the fact she shared it with me.
This takes me to the fact that she was finally able to let go and share. We as human beings hold on hard and tight. Let me share an analogy I used in a recent sermon.
It goes as follows. We all have weekly garbage pick-up days. It is a part of the flow of life. Our garbage gets picked up on Tuesday. It means our house is focused on getting all the garbage, recycle, and green waste into the barrels on Monday night. This enables us to continually let go of our garbage and refuse.
Well I maintain in our lives we have the bad habit in holding on to our 'life' garbage. But God has garbage pick-ups for us. We are continually given the opportunity to get rid of our garbage, to let go. We over think the process. Our job is much easier than we think. We only need to get our garbage out to the curb for God's pick-up, God will pick-up at anytime and will take whatever you put on the curb - no limit! So empty away and let go.........