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  • tigger148

Weather or Not!

Good morning! We actually have a couple days where our weather is below 100 degrees. So the mornings are spectacular! I believe that when the coastal cooling breezes come into the valley it is a magical time. The heat of the day fades away. It is the perfect feedback that really nice weather lifts our spirits.

I remember living in Montana during high school. The winters were very tough but even then there was a magical reprieve at times. It would occur out of nowhere. We would be finishing up a blizzard with heavy snow conditions and ice-cold temperatures. Then the chinook would hit.

A chinook was the arrival of warm winds sweeping in from the west flowing and changing everything. The Blackfoot Indians called the chinook 'snow eater.' I can remember having temperatures of zero and below. The chinook (which was also called 'the pineapple express') winds would raise the temperatures as high as 50 degrees in a matter of hours. When the chinook hit we would go outside in our t-shirts as quickly as possible to play sports. This was a window of opportunity before the snow and cold returned. We loved the chinook and it made everything better.

It seems like there are two kinds of people. The first are tremendously impacted by the weather. Their moods and activities are dependent on the weather. They live for their weather reports.

The second type are those that make the weather secondary. Many in this group have jobs that are outdoors. My cousin works for a telephone company. Now I mean a real telephone company, not a cellular phone company. They live and work in the weather and continue to work no matter rain or sun or cold. For many years, she has worked outdoors and it is just part of the landscape. It seems people in this category have a balance in life. The winds of weather do not blow them around. It is just another aspect of the environment they work with daily. It is what it is!

Yes, here is a confession. Weather is present everywhere in life. When we have traversed a long, cold and dark winter and we edge into spring, things change. Hope becomes brighter and we have faith that (here it comes) 'the sun will come out tomorrow.' Spring is the time to have a new romance or add a new part to an old romance. Everything is better no matter what the facts are.

I think part of it is the amount of daylight. Remember the longest amount of daylight occurs in June. The shortest day in the year occurs in December. I wonder if that is part of the reason that we have the holidays. With no celebrations in December, the longer hours of dark makes all of us tinged with a sadness and dark heart. We ended up with Thanksgiving and Christmas to balance everything out. Thank you God..............

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