I recently saw a list of items of learning that help us in our skills around life. One of them is to trust the timing of our lives. We can get really caught up trying to figure out why something is happening instead of just experiencing it.
It is also the truth that we will be changing our mind and evolving our opinions and thoughts as we move forward. Our beliefs will not always line up. Thus it becomes really critical to have the ability to laugh at ourselves. Some of the things we do physically as human beings are quite bizarre.
It is so easy to take our health issues for granted. It is also easy to go to a place of isolation during these health challenges. The opposite is true - it is at that point we need to reach out. Remember age does not determine our ability to learn including changing our habits. You are not a nun with the same habit all your life.
Don't take criticism from anyone who you would not go to for advice. Stupid mistakes are the mark of someone in the midst of spiritual growth. One of my friends asked me once 'when will all this crap end?' I reminded her that will occur just after we take our last breath.
I love women! I have a number of friends who are gay. I was at a dance sponsored for the LGBTQ community. In the midst of one of the dances, I was in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by lesbians - many of them dear dear friends. I looked around and realized how much more I love women than men. At that moment, I told everyone in the circle I love women so deeply that I must be a lesbian. One of the friends dancing with me later gave ma a card designating me as a card-carrying lesbian. What this meant for me was that I was respected for my toleration of different lifestyles and different ways of worshipping spirit. It was really interesting when I showed my card to my father........
A musical group I watched sang a song called "My Self Esteem Isn't Low Enough to Date You!" In the song, the two women announce even though they are desperate they are not that desperate. It points out so strongly to us we must raise our standards and value ourselves in the way we show up. The higher our self-value the more we start to realize self-love of the spirit consciousness flowing through us.
So in each single thing you do today ' what is the feedback you are giving yourself about your value? Unless it is high self-value, it is time to change it!