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The Quest

Updated: Sep 7, 2023

Today I interviewed a dear old friend who has been on a spiritual quest for most of her life. It was for a podcast and we explored her journeys with shamans in Hawaii, in India at sacred ashrams, and to Japan to see her guru. It brought up a number of things that I've ended up having as a part of my belief sysgtem.

First, that in the end, all of us are on such a spiritual quest. The quest can be filled with traditional spirituality or it may be filled with items and side bars that are filled with things that don't seem so spiritual but in the end are filled with spirit.

I'm reminded of Paulo Coelho, the author of the Alchemist. It is the story about a man who has a dream about a treasure. He sets out to go into the world to find this treasure. In the end, he has many adventures and discovers the treasurer was buried in the starting point of his dream. Such is the spiritual journey.

In the end, our entire spiritual journey revolves around our personal relationship with ourselves. We can search outside in magical quests but it is really only a short breath within.

But this is the part of the unique trait that is a human being. Each of us is filled with a set of filters with which we see the world. But our truth information has to fit into our filters or we miss it. That is why there so many aisles of self-help books. Each book/teaching/truth fits a particular filters.

I had a friend once who was filled with passion. Periodically he would come to me and tell me he had learned something that was changing his life. It was the answer to everything.. I would listen with interest, ask some questions, and thank him for sharing.

Six months later he would see me somewhere filled with enthusiasm around another new truth that was changing his life. He would then share the new truth. And so it would go.

The answers are within. The answers are within. The answers are within. The biggest obstacle in tapping into the answers in ourselves. So realize that all pedestals that we put people and things on are too high and all things we look down upon are too low. It all evens out and the answer is within.

The other thing is something that threads its way through every aspect of my blogs. This is the fact that we find God wherever we look. Remember God is in every atom. There is no place that God is not. This means it is not good English to ask how God can let bad things happen to good people. The terms 'bad' and 'good' are not God generated things. For God, it is what it is. All is neutral. And God is present all the neutral. So sometimes realize that the toughest part of the journey is seeing the presence of God. He/she is always there!

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