I love Sundays! My attendance at Sunday services is always done on Zoom so I can relax. Meanwhile I have all the Unity churches across the United States to choose from and last Sunday I livestreamed two different services.
I love that the one service talked about our goal in this adventure and off my mind went. The simple phrase was to 'remember to remember.' It is always about connections and community.
When I had my hypnotherapy practice I got a chance to hold sacred space as my clients worked in the Tibetan bardo state. This is the gap or transitional process between lives. The Tibetans believe there are three death bardos - the pain of dying, the bardo of dharmata, and the karmic bardo of becoming.
We each leave the planet and are headed toward our next life. During this time, exploration of the bardo state helps us to get clarity on our life's purpose.
Each day we get the opportunity to share our lives with the world. We are always working to find the Divine understanding of our life.
But the entire journey is so weird in its structure. I keep on telling God I have a better way for him to do it. Whenever I say that I can hear cosmic laughing off in the distance.
This is a common theme I've mentioned in other blogs. We are complete and whole just the way we are. We are continually working on letting go and knowing there is a flow that must keep happening. When we hold on too tight, then we step right into the Buddhist world of struggle.
Then our Divine is layered with a temporary body which is in a state of perpetual erosion. It's on a course to fall apart. Louise Hay, the super healer, wrote an entire book listing all the things that happen to us and then proceeded to tell us what our lessons were from the dis - ease (You Can Heal Your Life). So if you had problems with your back it meant your spirit does not feel supported.
I am the Senior Minister for my wife's interfaith organization and I help her put out the monthly newsletter. One of my blessings is to do the monthly segment on 'spiritual practices.' It has given me the opportunity each month to delve into what feeds me spiritually and I end up continually finding new places to get my spiritual food.
What a g;rand exercise it has been! But it brought up another thought. What if there was no wrong way to do our life? Each choice would continue to feed us spiritually and give us another lesson. As one of my friends once said, "Oh boy, another lesson - dammit!"
Yet it is the only way to grow and change and prepare for our bardo state 'in between.' I've done a handful of hypnotherapy sessions with clients who spent time in the bardo state during the session. Twice during the session, the feedback the client got changed their lives. Find your purpose and know it is perfect for you!