It's a Sunday morning and I've been wandering the spiritual word contained on livestreams from different churches. It is such a fertile ground for exploring our personal spiritual growth.
I'm amazed at how easily on Sunday morning we slip from our ego bound mind and soar with spirit showing up for us. I love these mornings. As a minister, I get the added gift in that I am always working on writing and thinking and talking about spirit.
At one point I was a very active Mormon. On Sundays we would have the Mormon missionaries come over for Sunday dinner. It was pot roast day and we had a dinner table that sat eight. What wonderful Sundays, for the highest form of good for a Mormon missionary was to be invited to a home-made meal. During these Sundays, we would aks the missionaries lots of questions. I always remember that all of the missionaries talked about one thing that stood out during their two year service.
It was such a spiritual freedom to be able to talk twenty-four hours, seven days a week about God. It made life so easy and in the end there were no problems. Sure, there were challenges but the missionaries were in collaboration with the world's greatest partner - God!
I look back at my journey of life to get where I am right now; I realize how difficult it is and has been to keep in touch with my spirituality. We come to the planet Earth and our first years are spent trying to figure out how our minds work and how our bodies work. Then we leave the family nest and are set adrift. We are no longer riding in our parent's life boat. We've launched our own. Now in many cases we go crazy and go out and ego indulge to feel and touch and taste everything all at once. This is often a time of excess. I look back and wonder how I was able to have any contact with spirit. Ego was in charge and it was issuing commands left and right, often contradicting each other.
Then came for me women, cars, parties, drinking and other ways to find alternates to living in the world. I am so glad I survived.
So at some point there is a seminal moment when we take a breath and suddenly it is all diffeent. It changes our lives and we start to find the spirituality that was there all along.
Ruth Montgomery in 1979 wrote a book called "Strangers Among Us." In essence, it speaks of people who go through life and something huge occurs. Suddenly they are difference people and there is a passsion and a purpose that was not there before. The old soul has left and there is a new soul that has walked in. She actually calls them walk-ins. Some have said Steven Spielberg is an example of this. Remember he was fairly aimless in junior college. Suddenly he was sleeping in an office on a movie lot. He always had a fresh pressed suit so he could sit in meetings or make a presentation. He was filled with passion. You see the result in his movies......
So bless each of you that are actually reading this blog and are taking more time in your life to step into spirituality that is you. It is a limitless place to be filled with light and love/. As Rev. Michael Moran would say "You are loved beyond measure!"