My wife is such a wonderful teacher for me. Yesterday prior to the closing of the polls she talked to a group of people about what a wonderful opportunity the election was for all of us. It was a moment of spiritual teaching for each of us. It was a choice point tobe in ego and ahppy because 'we' won or sad because 'we' lost. In the end it is what it is and it is a God moment. We are challenged deeply at times to stay in our divinity yet that is where we spiritually grow.
In the end all life is this way. We each have our own personal :cross" we are carrying. Realize it is our choice to carry the cross. It is just as easy to put down the cross though we don't believe that.
I wrote a song a few years back that our band has done. The name of the song is "Let Go, Let Go, Let Go." The first verse goes "Sometimes I get silly and I try; to understand it all and wonder why? Then I find I know, it's about letting go, slow down, take a breath, slip right into the flow."
One of the most amazing things about pressure and stress is that it is self-induced! Our normal sequence is always letting go. There is a human difficulty to that. Not a spiritual difficulty. The human difficulty is trusting ourselves and trusting God. In truth we can handle anything! Especially in collaboration with God.
But we end up in the land of duality. Rachel and I do a meditation every day. We can really tell if we miss one. We aren't as balanced and little things become big things. Spiritual practices are called practices because they must be practiced over and over again. We are continually forgetting our magnificence or even worse not believing our magnificence.
So often I get to the end of a day and during the night when I can't sleep i de-brief the day. I realize how much during the day I have forgotten and I am nowhere near my spiritual side.
The full circle goes back to picking up and holding pressure and stress and on another level realizing it is what I am choosing.
Tomorrow morning I choose to let go over and over again. I choose to meditate and not sweat things. Will you join me?