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Song Lyrics


Updated: Nov 16, 2023

This is a time of song lyrics for me. I'm finding songwriters who are penning lyric lines that blow me away. I will hear a line and it triggers and entire line of thought encompassing everything.

The lyric today is "on the brink of everyhthing." You know we as human beings want to know what the future will bring into our lives. It frustrates us that we don't know what will happen next. We're on this journey of collaboration but our lantern only lights a small part of the path ahead of us. In addition, each moment of our future is filled with all the variables possible that we can choose from.

But it speaks to how easy it is to think 'same old stuff on a different day.' We have a limitless set of possibilities in front of us and the only way parameters and boundaries end up being involved is because we opt for these choices.

There is an exercise that states the fact that every day we have 1,440 minutes in each day. We have the choice of what the minutes look like.

One of the things I want to make sure is that I am fully participating in my future choices. I am not the cruise liner being tossed back and forth by the seas with no personal control because it is all happening to me. No, I see myself more the strong and sturdy ice breaker making my way through a path in the world of my choosing using my tools for direction and movement.

So every moment we are on the brink of everything. We need to remember that we can control. our actions with the eample of cats. We get what we think is just the right gift for them to enjoy but they are the ones who ignore all that and decide that the personal gift they are getting is the box the gift came in.

It does involve work on our part to hit that brink of everything. We have to decide there are not choices eliminated because of our getting caught up in ego or in issues with lack. We have to give up what other people will think of us. We have to stop comparing ourselves to all the others. We have to step into some clarity about what we really want. We might have to decide we are worth it.

You might notice what it feels like when you hear you can be on the brink of everything. Notice if there is a feeling of fear deep within around having whatever we want. What would that be like?

But all of those are personal issues around the song lyric. I just wanted to remind you that you are on the brink of everythiing and it is all yours - WOW!

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