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  • tigger148

See Ball, Hit Ball

I find every day that the world presents a different view of participating in the daily process of life. We take in the information that is coming to us and then we take a look at it as we interpret the model of the professional flow in the river of life.

Our job the becomes to allow the 'stuff' to come to us and we can then fit it into our process. Now that I am back home I find that I don't spend quite as much time overthinking or trying to figure everything out.

I listened to a documentary about Yogi Berra, one of the great baseball players of all time and definitely one of a kind. He used a philosophy around simplicity and it was about 'see ball, hit ball' approach to life. All the extra stuff in the approach helped the focus by not overthinking everything. It was about action. It was the phrase "when you come to a fork in the road, take it!"

See ball, hit ball. Then later we can try to figure it out and get the processing done. It makes life so much easier. We just keep working with choices as they are presented to us. It is the ultimate logo of Nike 'Just do it!' Enough talking, take action. It is so easy to get caught up in overthinking and figuring it out. My partner in life collaboration is God or my view of spirit.

I've talked before about one of the tools I learned in the training I took regarding alchemical hypnotherapy. David Quigley, founder of alchemical hypnotherapy, taught a different kind of hypnotherapy around transformaton. It started with the truth that our clients came into session having their own answers. This means that the sessions are truly holding sacred space and letting each client find their own way as their internal world free forms and the answers appears.

One of my favoirte techniques was called the 'conference room.' It was based on an imaginary room with a large conference room table. Aall the parts of who we are have showed up to move through life. Sitting in the room are all the aspects of who we are. Many of them are quite traditinal. These include the inner child, inner judge, and anyone else. We find that many parts of our conference room are there to participate with hidden agendas. Some may sit back away from the conference room table and may be in direct opposition to other parts. Thus we may be involved with inner conflict which in the end produces a kind of paralyzing effect. In the sessions, we get to know the different parts. We discover some parts are present to be blockers to success.. This would produce issues with the conference room because there may even be alliances between different parts of the process.

It actually seems much more complicated than it is. Our exploration occurs as we work to get all the inner parts on the same page. We can accomplish so much more if we are all pulling together in the same direction.

As we take steps in our spiritual world to feed our growth, we will find that much of what we go through can be about 'internal wars' in direct opposition with each other. It;s as if we are walking a pack of dog on leashes. If they are all pulling in different directions, we find we really go nowhere at all.

Slow down and take a lok at places in your life you might feel stuck. Is being stuck a result of confusion and conflict, all internal? Challenge yourself to start working on some of the areas where you are stuck. Pick an area and take a look at what keeps you stuck? What would happen if there was a flow and all the parts of who you are move forward with ease? Can you see how much easier that might be?

Pick one for your homework and start to break up a particular area where it is stuck.. One logjam at a time and enjoy yourslef......

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