Today I was touched when I watched the statement of Kate Middleton as she announced she had cancer. I thought for all of us who have sat at one time across from a medical professional and been told we have one of the most pervasive diseases of the world. Jut to have the shock of that diagnosis occur and then add in to it the role she inhabits in the world.
I loved that she and William were working to appropriately share the information with their children, and give thanks as she connected with all those who are on the same journey.
This blog is about sharing how such a diagnosis changes everything. Yet at the same time it represents how we show up as the dice of life are rolled. There are so many ways we can react but it still reminds me that we are working with the best partner in the world - God. When this kind of shock occurs, we can get so caught up on 'why me' or moving into denial. One question that comes up often is how bad things can happen to good people.
The difficulty is that this is the Supreme Spirit who is omnipotent - ever present in everything. It is not about 'good and bad'; it is just about 'it is what it is!'
Isn't it interesting the moment we are in a situation like this diagnosis it is really a moment to slow down and breathe. All that is given us as advice is around taking steps that provide us more mindfulness and connecting in a deeper level of balance.
So God bless Kate and her family and all the other people on this planet that have recently gone through this change of life. Sit down and say a prayer and know that all of this is a part of God's path.
Finally be prepared. This life roller coaster has ups and downs and there is more to come. We will be blindsided at times and at other times we will be elated beyond measure. Some of it we will understand and some of it will terribly confuse us. But in the end it is about slowing down, balancing yourself, and taking the next step. Keep moving..........