I love a good quotation that seizes a thought and produces a response of agreement with enthusiasm. One I found during the last month is by Morgan Richard Oliver. She uses empathy to paint a picture. Here is her quote:
"One day it clicks. The pain you had turns into peace as you accept that everything had to happen exactly as it did for you to be exactly where you are now. You hold no blame, bitterness, or resentment toward the experience, person, or yourself. Instead, you see it is the catalyst that led you to your change and development. The very storm that shook so much in you also worked to clear your path."
We don't know all that is ahead for us. We make assumptions based on our limited knowledge of how spirit works in the world. But there is so much more that is beyond our understanding. Each of us must have places in our lives that an event occurs. When it occurs it tears apart all of the comfort and ease of our life and leaves it in rubble. At that very moment, we choose how we will proceed.
In October of 1991, the Tunnel fire occurred in the Oakland hills. The fire spread rapidly and destroyed almost 2,600 dwellings in the city of Oakland. Over 25 people died in the fire.
The next day I sat and watched the news report of the fire. I saw a news truck driving the hills with a camera running. Devastation was everywhere.
It was at that moment that I had one of the 'memory bubbles' I spoke about in another blog. The news camera pulled up to one house on the hill with the sky behind it. All that remained was the brick fireplace which must have been in a huge living room. The owner of the house was sitting in a chair in front of the fireplace going through some of his personal belongings. He had taped a huge sign on the upper section of the fireplace. The sign read "Fire sale - everything must go!" The reporters stopped to talk to this man. In the end. he expressed the truth that he was still alive as was his family. He only lost material things and now he had the opportunity to start fresh.
We all have that opportunity each day. We wake up in the morning and decide what our day will be like. Our circumstances are a given - for instance, I always wake up with some kind of health challenge. By the way, spirit provides such an interesting moment when we first wake up. In that moment, my body is working perfectly and everything is OK> Then the truth of the challenge kicks in and I realize I hurt. But in that moment I get to decide what my response will be to the challenge. My attitude and perception changes everything. I believe that is why there are placebos. This is the truth that when man is given something to feel better he will feel better even even if there is nothing in the material he is given. This proves our mind and spirit work together so well in spite of the facts.
It has actually been reported there are multiple personalities with interesting conditions. Some parts of the person have diabetes and another part will not - even though they inhabit the same body! This points out the control we have over our mind.
Thus we go back to our quote and realize every time our world falls apart everything is much clear. The rips in the fabric of our lives are the places the stars shine through and show our magnificence. Realize that at the next massive challenge - there is a different way to look at it!