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Recognizing the WOW!

Updated: Aug 22, 2023

Milton Erickson has always fascinated me. I talked about him in an earlier blog. He once stated that "when we first meet people they tell us in the first few minutes who they are and then they keep telling us over and over again."

My father was a difficult and complex guy who came to this Earth journey to party. Years later I realized there were some learnings in his approach to life. He taught me that people have a favorite subject; they love to talk about themselves. So everyone we meet on a daily basis are ready to share. Expanding on earlier blogs about community, playfulness, and conscious experiences we come to another point.

This means when I go out into the world today those people I meet are totally ready to have a spiritual experience but it is up to me to make it a success. It is my process to set a sacred space where two of us can meet and share a heart no matter where we are or how many people surround us. Each of us only need to be heard and to believe we are being valued.

Someone once told me the true measure of a human being is how we treat our service staff. A couple days ago we had a meal at a restaurant called Zocalos. We had a wonderful experience with our waitress named Trinity. We shared stories about our families and we got to know who she was and how she showed up. A few minutes later we had the bartender nearby joining us in the conversation.

I once discovered a great way to make friend at a restaurant and I did it at Zocalos. i asked the bartender to make me his favorite drink. I've had some really good drinks and some really bad drinks. I don't let them tell me what the drink is until I've tasted it. In the end it is not about the drink but about the connection.

We have so many opportunities to be in a spiritual place, no matter where we are at. There is an author at Unity of San Francisco who wrote a book about awe.

I loved his recognition that we are continually provided with moments of spirit, of awe, of joy. They are always passing through our consciousness. It is our job amd obligation to recognize the WOW moments and revel in them. Notice the theme in some of the writings. Mindfulness is so important and will take us to that place that we can live more in this WOW! Make sure today you realize a WOW and verbalize it by just stopping, taking a breath, and exclaiming WOW. WOW!

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