I am a photographer in a myriad of ways thus again this is a favorite time of year When we start to move into the fall the color of light is different. There is a softness to the lights that paint everything with almost a glistening sweet special sheen. It makes for special photographs that cannot be taken at any other time of year.
When you add in the special time of mid-morniing and mid-afternoon when the light softens even more there are amazing opportunities at this time of year.
Photography has totally changed. When I was in my 20's digital had not arrived and the industry was running out of chemicals to develop film. I had a portable dark room with all the equipment though I stayed in the field of black and white. Color was too difficult.
I also would do anything to get the right shot. One of the first times I went to Disneyland I had not seen the nightly parade. They started the parade and I immediately ran out into the parade route in front of Mickey Mouse who was leading the parade. I got down on one knee and was completley oblivious to the security people screaming at me to get out of the way. I bailed out at the last minute but boy, did I get some good photos.
I also was driving on Highway 80 to San Francisco one Saturday when I hit the highlands. There to the right were the 'power towers' with their huge blades. I realized if I got off on the right I could get the modern blades in front of an old windmill halfway up the hill. I cut across a couple lanes to the side of the road and then climbed a barbed wire fence and went halfway up a hill to get the shot.
Thus another compatability factor showed up with my Rachel. We were on a spiritual tour of England, Wales, and Scotland. One of the cities we visited had a castle tour scheduled for our group. Rachel noticed that the world rugby championships were occurring between Ireland and Spain. She looked at me with a little smile and said, "Let's go take photos!" I had not realized what a fearless photographer she was. At one point she dragged me into a crowd of 5,000 drunk Irish surrounded by 10,000 drunk Spaniards to get the right photos. She at one point had an entire pub posing for her. What a woman!
Now it has all changed. The best quick camera anywhere is our iphone. The things we can do when we take the pictures is unbelievable. The things we can then do with the photo even more so. What a magical time for photography! We have both taken shots that have won awards and we both feel blessed to be able to share and take photos together.
The light is so special at this time of year............