I love Facebook! I don't love it around having everything people do end up getting posted or personal rants. I do love it because people post interesting things on the page.
My favorite today showed the Wicked Witch of the East (the green one) from the Wizard of Oz. She is standing with her broom and a nasty scowl on her face. She is saying, "One of the worst feelings is when we realize this is our circus and these are our monkies!"
One of the truths of life is that our actions and choices end up setting up what our life looks like. So If I spend all my time putting things off then my life is filled with unfinished tasks and things to do. Everything then becomes overwhelming because there is so much to do. Yet it is me who is setting up the process.
This can happen when we get caught up in a mistaken idea. It is the thought that life is what happens to us - wrong, wrong, wrong! We are not victims of this earthly trip. But boy, is it easy to get caught up in that belief.
In truth we are in a grand partnership with a partner who can do anything and is ever present. This partner is waiting with baited breath to step in and help us in any way possible to have amazing and successful lives.
But in the same breath this partner wants to help us achieve our goals. So if our goal is to be a victim of all the nasty ugly things that life will do to us then our partner will help us with that prtoject.
It is the IAM approach. We decide how to finish off the sentence IAM. We can finish it off in any way possible, anything at all. Are we really going to waste that 'genie' with the 'oh, poor me' approach complaining what is happening to us now?
It's enough that we have chosen to be one of the warriors here on the planet right now. I mean how brave is that. This is the time of huge transformation. Chaos is everywhere and polarization is widespread. The need for our skills to be here and to love and to step up is huge. It is time for us to step up not step down.
There is a Saturday Night Live skit that shows someone playing Gerald Ford. This is from the period of time when he was President and having physical problems falling and walking. He is being briefed about doing a press conference and they tell him he will be walking down a corridor with steps at the end of the hallway. The steps lead into the press room.
He looks at them and asks, "Will there be a wall on the left side of the corridor and a wall on the right side of the corridor and the steps, will they go up or will they go down?"
He has no confidence. In the end we are the same way. Get over it and just know you volunteered for this and you know how to do this. My God, you have been made in His magnificence. You are taking life as it comes and living it with full conscious ability to make a difference. So make a difference! It's your circus and it's a great one! These are your monkeys and they are really cool!