Every once in a while I take a look at the world and give thanks for how people show up and then wonder what were they thinking when they did something.
In Albuquerque, New Mexico last week a shoplifter left a retail store after taking things he did not pay for. Unfortunately for him, the city's mounted police were working with their horses nearby. So there is a video of one horse, then two horses, and finally three horses chasing the man down. During the chase the police were continually yelling, "Stop! You are being detained!" He would not stop until he was surrounded by literally tons of horseflesh with policmen on top. Only in the old wild west!
Meanwhile in Southfield, Michigan a radio station sponsored the "great marshmallow drop" during which huge quantities of marshmallows were pushed out the open door of a helicopter into a park area as hundreds of kids watched. Then the kids were released and it was pandemonium as they rushed with their bags forward to gather marshmallows. What a modern take on Easter Eggs! The kids were so excited.
Years ago I had a friend who lived up in the foothills. He owned a company centered around earth moving and on his property had a number of big earth moving pieces of machinery. So he had a large property with a huge fenced in backyard and then an area to park his equipment. They used to gather together with all their friends for Easter. About 10 couples would gather together and most couples brought their dogs. One year they decided to hide dog treats in the backyard for the dogs to find. After the Easter meal they let the dogs out (so now you do know who let the dogs out!) and the dogs would go crazy in the backyard. A furry Easter egg hunt! He said the most interesting part was after a couple years the dogs seemed to know when the Easter treats hunt was and would stand at the back doors waiting to be let out. I love that.
These are just some of the quirky things that are going on in the world. I'm reminded about our perception and reality and how we show up. I remember years ago reading the story of a convenience store robbery in Los Angeles. I loved the description of the robber. Part of the description described the red wheelchair the man rollingd away from the store trying to escape. I could only wonder about the reality of a man in a wheelchair who beliebed he could roll away in downtown Los Angeles.
But then no one said that everyone makes informed smart decisions. There was the story of the man who robbed closed fast food stores in the wee early morning hours. One night he went out with his four year old daughter (Yes, I know it doesn't make sense?) The next morniing when he pulled into his driveway and walked into the house his wife asked where his daughter was. He realized he had left her behind. But it was OK. She knew her phone number and address and helped the police get her home.
The world is truly a Monty Pythong skit just waiting to happen. So the next time you look around and realize nothing makes sense and seems surreal - you are in the skit! But then again our awareness is around as part of the process. It is truly the elephant surrounded by blind men. When the blind men are asked to describe the creature they can only describe the small part of the elephant in front of them. It is a limited knowledge of the situation.
So as you move forward realize that at any point in time we don't have all the answers. This means that sometimes we have to wait. We have to wait for the flow of life to come to us. Have patience; but realize we all want patience right now! So as President Barllett from the West Wing says, "What's next!"