So the norm keeps on changing as we move forward and things which seemed so out of ordinary become a part of the new landscape. It means that everything has the possibility to be oh so precious.
I love calling people the further along I move on this journey. Now when someone sends me an email of praise I am just as likely to call them and and re-connect at a deeper level. It means that the woven material between all of us is steadily getting stronger. We are all called all to be right here now. It means that we must continue to reach out and communicate our value we have for each other.
Friends all around us have physical issues intruding on life. We never realize that our mental status could change so radically and oh so quickly. Day-by-day I give more thanks for my wife and how she is in my life. Although she is older than I am, she has a strength and I realize what kind of power she is. She still loves to get into the backyard and weed in the daylight on her hands and knees. I give thanks that working in the yard spiritually feeds her and thus we have such a beautiful yard. As the temperature starts to creep up, I know I will be spending more time in the backyard just breathing in the fresh air.
My wife has been nursing every year a beautiful ground cover which grows very slowly. This year the ground cover has decided it now belongs and now is spread well across the yard. It has been filled in the spaces between the pavers to make it appear thay have been like that since we put down the pavers.
Then we have the volunteers and the extras that nature gives us. We have lilies that grow naturally through the last five years. Before the pandemic, we did a Unity Easter service and were able to provide some wonderful lilies from our yard. We have elephant garlic which comes back every year and provides some wonderful aromas. We have a lime tree which Rachel got a number of years ago as a gift. Every year she is not quite sure what the ouput will be. The last two years she was able to harvest over 70 limes from all through the tree. Her jade plants are so happy and healthy growing wherever they are planted.
Now I continue to be excited as we get ready to start planting and growing and planting and watching. Just imagine seeing the first green shoots breaking through the ground and raising up toward the sun with all the courage and hope in the world. It is as if this should be our approach to life. We two have the same kind of hope and courage for we too know we will survive as the magnificence of God........welcome my little one!