So this is the blog from all over, Periodically I gather small news items and take a look at what is going on.
First, there was the news item about a reader from a local library who returned a book called "Paddington Abroad," Unfortunately the book was returned some 42 years late! I wanted to follow up and find out what triggered the book being returned. It's a lucky thing that it was a free library.
Secondly in Syracuse a deer smashed through the front window of a retail store. The irony is the name of the store is ISmash; it was a store where people paid to come destroy china and other breakable things. Did the deer read the sign?
Finally a Maryland legislator had an interesting second career. She was also a surgeon. She attended one legislative session on Zoom. However physically she was at the local hospital performing surgery during the legislative session. Needless to say because of HIPPA privacy regulations and confidentiality there was a quick stop to the Zoom meeting and she was fined $15,000. No news on what her defense consisted of!
These are just some of the quirky things going on as each of us tries to make sense of this blessed world. It is up to us to rearrange the mosaic tiles that form the world into a logical order. The interesting thing is that the order is incredibly personal. It is ours alone, this perception of life.
It reminds me of the newest compost machine on the market place. It seems like when a new twist shows up it is splashed over and over again in advertising. The machine is called a Lomi and in a 24-hour period it takes garbage and makes it into a type of fertilizer. We have a green garbage bin in the kitchen and a Lomi machine would represent an upgrade for us. So I've been doing the research. The ratings are rave reviews pf how well it works with no scents.
But in watching the workings of this machine it seems to me this is a reflection of our mind's ability to take in all the chaos, all the garbage and in the end place things in order. The result through our magical spirituality is that we end up with a precious and self-affirming fertilizer. WOW, our own personal way to spirituality growth and this moves into providing food for all those around us! All we have to do is to be who we are - the easiest thing in the world if we but let go.
There was a song in past years called "My Future's So Bright I Have to Wear Shades." This is part of our peronal compost machine making sense of it all. If that is our lean toward life, then all that is ahead is filled with adventure and passion. We then are living in a sense of pure anticipation for what tomorrow will bring.
Phil and Dorothy Pierson were Unity Ministers who had a long-time ministry in Sacramento. They had a television show which was on Sunday mornings. It was called "The Best Is Yet to Be." What a future ahead!
I'm reminded of the story of the Pastor in a good-sized church. The congregation was very active and had a number of social events. One of the women who had always been involved had been diagnosed with a health challenge with little time left in this life. She asked to speak to the Pastor and set up her celebration of life. As he sat with her, they went through the details including the music, who would be speaking, and other details. She finally said she had one final request. She wanted him to make sure a fork was placed in the casket with her. He asked why would she do that? She said in all her time in the church she had never missed oone of the church social gatherings which always included a great meal together. She said when it came time at the end of the dinner the volunteers would come and pick up the dishware and cutlery. But they wlwasy said "Keep your fork because dessert is coming." When we sign on with a future so bright then we know that desserts just around the corner. I hope there's pie............