I am a musician on one level. My head is always filled with lyrics and melodies and I've been blessed to have been in a band of one sort or another since 2000. My bandmates are brothers/sisters in arms and we have had some grand adventures.
I start this way because it has spawned another Lymanism belief. I believe we all have a key in which we show up. This means that we live our lives in that key. but it also means that the following is true.
There are people that the moment we talk to them we are in harmony with them. We get each other at a very deep level. This effect is immediate and it is so clear.
The reverse is also true. There are people who when we first meet them for no apparent reason they rub us the wrong way. There is no logical or sane reason for this to happen but it does.
It leads to magical moments. I am blessed that I have a partner who 'gets' me. We move across thoughts and ideas with each other that I'm not even sure people could keep up.
It means that we can erupt in gales of laughter even when we aren't sure what we are laughing about.
This means also that is it is apparent that the whole human race are our brothers and sisters - and some of them are true brothers and sisters or closer beyond understanding.
So we must be open to the fact that the next sacred space moment could happen in an instant. We don't know when it is coming or how it will happen. The important thing is don't ignore it. Enjoy it to the deepest level because this too will pass.
I've been lucky enough through all the musical gigs to have moments like this. My beloved threw me a surprise party with all my friends, many of them musicians. There came a point when one of our musicians sat down at a keyboard and started a song. Before long we had 10 or 12 musicians with their instruments joining in on this wonderful 'jam' session - even though we had never played the song together before. What was even more amazing was that the product was a performance-level song and we finished looking at each other with awe and wonder.
The human race has the ability to put together magic filled with spirit at any time in any place. We forget how our magnificence can take a group and make it more than the sum of its parts.
Enjoy the next magical moments that are ahead for you.