It's all about the basics. We've only got one planet; there is no Plan B. On this planet, there is a limited number of people trying to get along together. Parts of it aren't working. Yet at the same time we are told that when the huge violence and confrontation occur there are miracles everywhere. So today I go back to the basics again.
We are here to value each other, to see the spiritual and divinity of each interaction. The only way this can't happen is if we walk the world in a journey of strangers. It is so important to rmember every stranger is a friend we haven't met yet. I believe that is a Mark Twain quote.
People are so ready to connect. Monday last we went to do our weekly grocery shopping. I love to do things with my wife. Anything, anytime, anywhere as long as we get to do it together. It always feels like we're in elementary school and we have just been given recess. Boy, are we going to have a good time!
So when we shop we each get a cart and split the list (though she accuses me of impulse shopping and wants to know how Ding Dongs get in my cart - I have no idea!). But it also means sometimes I lose track of her and then it's time to talk. It is at that very point that I may bark (see earlier blog).
So I've lost her but think I see her at the other end of a nearby aisle. So I bark loudly in her general direction. The lady next to me looks at me and says, "God bless you!" I tell her I am not sneezing but barking. She of course looks at me quizzically and says with a question, "Barking?"
I explain about losing my wife in the grocery store. Now I have three or four older women surrounding me and chiming in about this poor man who barks in the store. They have slipped into pack mode and are in the feeding frenzy of "we've got a lost and confused husband." So of course I have to demonstrate again my barking. My wife looks up from the other end of the aisle and heads toward me in an intense conversation with another older woman.
We are now having a small party near the creswcent rolls just down from the bacon. I have discovered in life at later ages the numbering between men and women favors the women. There are more of them. I have also forgotten how intense the older women pack reception is about rescuing a lost and confused husband. He is obviously gotten out on his own and is misguided. Just the fact he has lost his wife puts him at-risk.
Meanwhile one of the ladies who has been talking to my wife comes by and says, "those ladies are really concrened about you!"
I look at her and say, "The ladies here are concerned about me and my barking."
In the end we have family and conncection and as we do the rest of our shopping everytime I come around a corner I see one of the ladies. I see them look at me, they shake their heads, and gaze at my wife with understanding.
Back to the basics..........