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  • tigger148


Updated: Aug 26, 2023

I grew up in an Air Force family and as I've previously mentioned we moved every 1 1/2 years. There came a time when we were going to move from California to Montana. Somehow I realized that I was moving to a location that no one knew who I was. It gave me the perfect opportunity to let go of certain actions I did not like about me. I could also start to take the steps to be more who I wanted to be.

Of course, we know how the Universe works! As soon as I set the intention, everything rushed to fulfill the goal. When we arrived in Montana, I was getting ready to start high school which was 10th grade through senior year. Up to that point, I had never been in a fight in my life.

I was showing up in life in a neutral position, the wishy washy guy that went along with everything. I actually had gone through some instances of being bullied because of this.

So of course my first week in high school the universe set my test up. My chance to do it differently and set intention. In one of my classes was a very popular sophomore (I was also a sophomore) and in one class he started to harass me. Normally I would have surrendered and let him have his way but this was the new me (gulp!).

So I stood up to him. He responded by stating, "Who do you think you are? I think it's time for us to meet in the back parking lot tomorrow afternoon at 4 PM and I am going to kick your butt."

I gulped again and the new me looked at him and said, "You're on!"

Now a little background. - we had moved to Great Falls, Montana, a mining town. Across the street from where had moved there were four brothers and the 5-year old may have been the toughest of the brothers. So needless to say my hands were quivering and my stomach was a mess. These after school fights in the parking lot were a common weekly thing and actually drew good sized crowds. The school turned out to watch dependent on who was fighting. But as I took my fear into the threat I was steadfast that I was going to do this differently.

I didn't get any sleep that night worrying. All day long in my classes my mind worked on the upcoming challenge - It was High Noon in my head. I envisioned all the scenarios - and they all involved me getting beat up. But again I was going to show up with my voice intact.

I showed up behind the school fifteen minutes early in full fear and there was already a small audience. More people soon showed up to see the 'new' kid get his butt kicked. The appoinited time came and went and no opponent. I waited an extra fifteen minutes and then with a great deal of relief left.

The next day I went to my class and there he was bigger than life. I walked up to him and he said, "I heard you were there yesterday to face me." I answered yes. He then grinned and said, "OK, you passed the test; let's put it behind us and have a good year together." The emotions inside exploded with relief, gratitude, and knowledge I was doing life differently.

I've done this a few times in my life. There will be a part of me that I don't like. I will come up with an alternate way of living and the moment I put it into action everything changes.

Years ago I went to a celebration of life at my church for a man named Charley. Charley was amazing in that he had discovered the secret - that it is about people. He once won a trip to Hawaii in a contest. Meanwhile he had a friend that had not been to Hawaii. So Charley gave him the prize. I love that and from that moment some twenty-two years ago I made a voe to always know people were more important than material things. It again changed my life because I watched someone who had lived their live this way and gave me a road map that I admired..

Pick someone you admire and choose to take on some of their ways of living that you know are a buried part of who you are. Day by day, action by action, you will change and learn deeper ways to love you. Love away! Begin now!


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