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I read that if a human being from the 1800's were to be transported to today's world it would take very little time for the person transported to go incredibly insane. There is just too much information and stimuli that is coming at us. When we were growing up, television commercials were done in 30 second time segments. Then they started breaking the 30 second segment into three 10 second time slots. Now a modern commercial will be filled with stimuli from any direction and our brains are steadily attempting to catch up. Thus we are filled with the perception that we are always lagging behind and always trying to catch up. In an earlier blog, I wrote this puts us in a state of 'overwhelm.'

So we are immediately starting to stagger our way through each morning. Do you wonder why I talk so much about balance and connecting deeper with our Divine. The spirituality that is our God is always looking up to have us connect and balance and pause.

What I want to know is why? Why are we pushing so hard to go faster and get things done? It is accomplishment that seems to drag us along. It is so easy to feel good about production.

The opening of the wonderful movie "Fiddler on the Roof" has a start that Tevya singing about "tradition" and how it guides everything that is done. Rachel and I have changed the lyrics and the song is now called 'production' and the role it plays in our life. Everything is factored around getting things done and producing results. This is a sign of our ego drive and is not connected with the heart and the Divine. It comes from society and our upbringing to achieve.

So it becomes so critical to take a breath and check-in on goals and moving forward on the spirituality matrix. At the end of a day, do you find yourself measuring your day around what you've accomplished? Yes, that is how measure who we are. Yet the ego and our journey is based on this part of the journey.

Thus balance fills us with spiritual practice opportunities which are available to deepen our heart connection. It is so easy to slip into the 'ego' path and suddenly it is a week later. I've always noticed that days can last forever but months and years slip away quickly.

I do not want my life to be measured by accomplishments. I mention this with our office dominated with a white board listing goals and accomplishments listing our production that is coming. We might notice that our spiritual moments are points in time when sacred space fills the space. In this space, time seems to go away because in the moment of connection we are one with the universe. This is a place where all measurements around time disappear. Athletes often call this 'the zone.' It is when the spiritual connection is the deepest. I live for these type of moments. So today, slow down and find the place where you can step away and give up 'production.'

I do want to also put out this is again around balance between the two. As we continue to move forward, we accomplish tasks yet at the same time we soul feed ourselves. Both are part of the process and each side of the balance must be present.

What an amazing opportunity we have to keep the balance and know it is the natural flow of life. Today I will sit in my backyard and drink in nature and all that is happening around me. Again thank you God................


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