I love my wife! Last night was a rough night and so I was up much of the night. She came out to join me around 3:30 AM and I turned the channel to the NASA television station direct from the Ames Research Center at Moffett Airfield near the Silicon Valley.
We watched a couple of wonderful talks. Each talk was followed by a question and answer period. We knew this was a different kind of audience because we didn't always understand the question they were asking.
The first speaker talked about the exploration of Pluto. He emphasized the fact that NASA had been the first team to do exploration of each of the planets in the system from Mercury to Pluto. In addition, he summarized some of the information they gleaned from Pluto which was detailed and meticulous in its approach to information. They talked about the landscape, about internal oceans, about the type of metal on the surface.
But the second speaker left us speechless. He and his partners had put together a company called "Made in Space." It was set-up to develop support for man's traveling in the stars. It was based on the truth that the space explorers will need material supply support and it will be difficult.
He talked about company points that provided a type of mission approach. I loved number two and number three. The second was "Innovate disruptively." This was based on the credo that development of new methods, styles, and approaches that will change everything. An example was from the 60's when astronauts were starting into space. They needed special food and drink and one of the developments was a drink called Tang.
He then went on to discuss 3D printers;. His company had developed one for space. It is the size of a microwave oven and makes things. It started out as an experiment. At one point, they had to make a wrench for a task. The astronaut got his wrench and then said it was too bad he couldn't get a ratchet to work with the wrench. Five days later he reache into his empty 3D printer and pulled out a ratchet. This means the space station will not need to carry so much storage of duplicates because they can make their own tools and other items. In addition, they can make items that are very large in space and they will be right for the job. Not only right for the job, but made in space without every being on Earth. This opens up the universe for supply.
The Made In Space company had one last talking point. It was 'start small, go big!' It again points out that even the smallest question or task or development can change everything.
I look forward to how Made In Spacce will allow the human race to travel freely and carry the supply parameters without being tethered to a supply line from home. Suddenly everything is ours just as spirit had intended it to be all along!