It surprises me over and over again how simple and fragile we are as humans. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs define levels and priorities of what we need in our life. It is difficult to live life fully if we have not satisfied our basic physiological needs (air, water, food, shelter, sleep).
This is pointed out to us every day. One of our primary tasks that we undertake without being aware of it is building a 'safe' place to live in this world. This is the place we live, our home.
It is so much more critical than we can ever realize. I grew up in an 'unsafe' environment so it has taken me a long, long time to build safety. But suddenly here it is. It is that place where we can let go and just be. It is that place filled with things that feed and comfort us.
It is a life-long process building our safe place. Many couple start with safe places for one partner and not the other. If the relationship is to continue, safe places must develop for both people in the relationship.
Rachel and I came together late in life. We had our ways of looking at things that were in some says set. Since we were building a new 'safe' place we built together. People come to our home and spend time wandering reading the stories that are told on our walls and in our 'stuff'. Everything in our home tells of an adventure or a step in setting up safety. It is the ultimate in comfort.\
It is our quiet place. It is our balanced start of each day. Years ago I spent some time at the home of my partner. I awoke to the sound of the radio. He came out and quietly sat in an internal foyer with a cup of coffee and listened to NPR, He was settling in the safety of the morning and just let the day begin in a natural and open way. What an honor to share this with him.
So again another challenge for you. What does your safe place look like? Is it your entire home or a room in the house or a corner? No matter, make sure it is a place for you to re-fuel each day. It will provide balance each day and give you that foundation from which the authentic 'you' can live.