This is the story of a fistula. A fistula is an abnormal connection between two body parts. It often is the result of an injury. However in the dialysis process it is a way to make a connection for hooking up the machines. The doctor performs a procedure in which a vein and an artery in the arm are connected to build a port. It takes 10 to 12 weeks to grow a healthy fistula.
My first fistula procedure was done in August of last year. I named him Freddie and every day I did special exercises to help strengthen Freddie. But Freddie had his problems and eventually Freddie passed away and failed. So another procedure was done in November and we brought in Freddie's older brother Frankie. Frankie is from Brooklyn and he has swagger. I continue to do the exercises and Frankie has continued to grow. I have a bad habit of asking people if they want to see my fistula. I do this because when you place a finger at Frankie's location on my arm you can feel the buzzing and throbbing as he flows. There is no doubt about his character. In fact, he is a character.
Monday I had an ultra sound. Yes, that kind done during pregnancy. I spent about forty minutes on a table as they measured Frankie. They measured his length and his width and his rate of flow. There were colors and an array of things to look at on the screen. Frankie loved it because he loves to be the center of attention. Now comes the next part of the process.
We've birthed Frankie; we've groomed and grown Frankie; and it is getting near time for Frankie to graduate. I am a bit nervous about the next part of the process but I have confidence because Frankie has swagger. If I have doubts, I will just turn to Frankie.
My favorite part of my day is introducing one of my visitors to Frankie and not warning them about the buzz. They put their hand on my arm and their eyes widen as the buzz does it's thing.
The really interesting part is during quiet times as I sit I can hear Frankie buzzing. Talk about listening to my body! What a process. The grand adventure continues.