I have never been a very traditional minister. My first sermon was part of a group of 20 seminarians from across the country meeting by conference call to put together an interfaith church service. We would then give the service to our teaching staff on a Saturday and then on Sunday we would repreat the service at the big interfaith cathedral in New York.
I had put together a sermon where there were three characters. There was a minister giving the sermon; there was an ego filled with doubt and fear; and there was God providing Divine strength. When I turned in the draft my Dean of Students told me I was very brave to do this as my first sermon at the seminary.
On top of it all, the week before my co-minister who would be playing God in the sermon told me he did not feel worthy playing the part (I calmed him down). Then the day before presenting the sermon in front of the teaching staff and 100 of my classmates my co-minister playing my ego said she wanted to be in integrity. So she let me know that during the sermon she was going to make up her script because after all we never know when ego and doubt will show up. This led to some moments of silence during the sermon (which during the critique were praised as great speaking methods!) as I gathered my thoughts on my next answer to my ego.
I haven't looked back on sermons since that day. One of my favorite was a Wednesday night service when I teamed up with Rev. Shannah. The title of the sermon was "The Humor of God." We told appropriate jokes, heartwarming stories and in the end all the participants had red clown noses as we closed with song. The service was filled with joy and enthusiasm.
I now have had a chance to look back at over 350 sermons in some almost twenty years. I realized a couple things. I grew up Catholic and was an altar boy. All the homilies I saw came from a place of priesthood and involved preaching to those who seemed to need saving.
I vowed that I would work from a place of empowerment. I do not ever want to give adivce; I believe that is the highest form of insanity. I have trouble enough taking care of my own life without getting involved in someone else's life.
Secondly, once in a while I try something in my life to try to achieve spiritual balance and Divine connection. Again once in a while it works. So I just want to share it with everyone. We are all in the lifeboat togther afloat on a sea filled with storm and winds. But in the end the boat must go out to sea for that is its very purpose. So I share and hope something seems like it might work for you. It's much like the song "Happy" from Despicable Me.
Sometimes I sit and self-reflect about over sharing who I am. I'm doing the best I can but none of this is about me. It is your journey and I truly do believe God/Allah/ABBA has given us every personal tool we need to make the journey. So listen to my words and if something fits for you - it's a spirit connection. If it doesn't, then toss it out and make your own way. After all, it is another day in paradise!