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  • tigger148

Falling in Love Again

This morning I fell in love with my wife again. I keep doing that. She will do something that is so absolutely my authentic Rachel and I just have bubbles burst inside me.

I look at her sometimes and can't quite believe that I ended up with her - and she chose me! But in the end it is as if a jigsaw puzzle and all its pieces were lost. Suddenly by some leap of faith and spirit the pieeces end up in one place and for the last eighteen years we have been fitting them onto the puzzle board. It feels as if when each piece is put back another piece of home has arrived. I'm not sure what the final puzzle will look like because it will keep changing each time we fit im a piecee.

So with this attitude I suddenly realized I had questions for people, If you are in a relationship, then something brought the two of you to this one place and gathering. What was it? Sometimes we get busy in the distractions of life and forget to keep invested im our relationship.

Boy, is that the truth! A relationship is always a work in progress; the important thing to realize is that it is work. We are investing in the Divine appoinment that has brought the two of us to this place for the perfect partnership,

My wife has reminded me through the years that I always be number two in her life. This is of course the result of having God/spirit in the lead role. The really cool thing is that her God is my God and there is some naturalness to the growth. I've mentioned befor every time I think we've reached the depth of our love something happens and the bottom drops out of the equation and our love sinks to a greater heighth.

So our job is to re,=member the love. So there are times when Rachel does such a purely Rachel thing that I remember again why I love her.

There is a reason you are with the person you are with. Remember the reason. The other interesting thing with our relationship is that no matter how many melt downs we have (and we do have melt downs - they are part of growth,) The melt downs are a part of the deepening. They do not destroy rather they build the next level of the deepening.

This is not just about relationship with our partner, but also with our friends and in many ways rge world. Every melt down is growth. It takes us to a new place of spirit. It could actually be defined as a personal spiritual practice that connects us in new ways to our Divine.

Sometimes I look into my beloved's eyes and I can see a concerned; sometimes I look and see a caretaker; sometimes I see a playmate; sometimes I see my lover - but I always look and see God expressing right in frony of me.

How did I ever get so damn lucky! Thank you God! May you explore and deepen the relationships in your life. Realize this is so precious, every single moment,,,,,,,,,,,

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