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I watched a comedian who did a piece on dreams and I realize what a profound channel dreams give us to the Divine within us. Dreams can come from nowhere and have no connection to a rational thought process. Yet through the history of the world dreams have motivated people to do impossible things. They are the Divine side of us whiach raises humanity above animal status.

One of my favorite pars of Alice in Wonderland is a conversation between the Queen and Alice. Alice said, "There is no use trying. One can't believe impossible things."

"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Let's take a look at just one dream that changed the world - one moment at a time. Let's talk about Mr. Rogers. You know the results by the impact of his television show. But he started with a clear vision of what he wanted to do. His goal was to improve children's physical and emotional well-being using and harnassing one of the most disruptive technologies of his time - television. Television was still relatively new and was ready for dreamers. He took the disruption and chaos and built it for the greater good with his bold vision. Every part of what he did was to improve children's well-being. He taught lessoms without teaching but storytelling.

I don't remember my parents verbalizing the importanfe of having dreams in our lives. I don't think that is a big part of parenting education. My thoughts about dreams was something I learned in school.. Many of us learned that way. In America, we have been blessed withe the teaching "Thiw iw American and we can grow up to be anything we want." But how many of us get past that amorphous vague 'have a dream' thought andd never know quite what to do next.

I was 50 years old when I took a class called 'transformation' put on by a friend of mine. In the class we came to a point where we were asked to fill in the details of our mist filled foggy unclear thoughts about dreams. We sat down and got into the core of what were the dreams we wanted. I had done this a couple times earlier in my life. The first time I made a decisionn to follow my dream of continuing to work in tennis. I ended up managing one of the larger tennis clubs in Northern California and thoroughly enjoyed that phase of my life.

The second time I quit a job managing a lob managing a large company and hired out as a temp worker to discover what I wanted to do in life. The result was being a partner in a construction company.

Now I was doing consciously in a class. I wrote down the following dreams/goals: a) to play music in a band; b) to compose and play an original song in public; c) to explore becoming a minister.

It has been said writing down goals increases the probability of achieving the goals. So noe I have been in two bands. One of the bands has performed over 350 gigs including things like the California State Fair. Our band produced two CD's and on one of the CD's was an original song called "Let Go."

I have been a minister for over twenty years and have given over 300 sermons in over 1;5 churches in Northern California. I feel so blessed to have done what I did. But you see the things about dreams is that as you achieve a dream a reset occurs and suddenly there are more dreams to achieve.

So this is always about you! How are you doing with your dreams? Have you been checking them off as accomplished? Have you been determining what they are? It is so important that your dreams and goals move out of the vague and unclear arena. Add details to your story! It has been said we do not want to come to our last breath and have regrets. Unfulfilled dreams and goals can get in the way. Take the next step. Dream a little dream for you.............

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