My blog yesterday spoke to the pervasiveness of fear in our country and how divided we are. We see differences with suspicion and assign actions of others as being undertaken with meanness and vindictiveness.
I said it is time to stand up with love and kindness and I realize there is difficulty in doing that.
I had a discussion this morning with a minister whose life has been filled with peace and meditation. It was about about stepping out of fear. She replied we could do that when 'HE' stopped his actions. But that is my pointl we can't demonize people. Each of us can only be our authentic self. Any step in the direction of fear only continues the cycle.
There is a famous adage that states one should never wrestle with a pig. You only get dirty and the pig likes it.
I worked with a large developer. He called me a 'bulldog.' It was because I had a philosophy of killing people with kindness. If I had someone who was avoiding me, I would call that person a couple times a day and eventually work my way into calling every other hour. But I would always be cheerful and leave a great message. Eventually it was easier for them to call me back and they gave up.
This is what our path must be! Do not get sucked into a place of anger and fear. Do not sit around and complain about what others are doing to you. It is always your choice in how you respond. Unfortunately, we are in a phase when so many of us are responding with anger.
Remember Ghandi has said the philosophy of "an eye for an eye" only means we will end up with a world that is blind.
So set an oath to so love the world that no matter what the circumstances the response will ne kindness. The response will be love. Do not react but rewrite you framework and at that point everything will change.
We are powerful beyond measure and have been sent here at this time to erase the differences and to fall in love with the similarities between us. Experience the difference with joy and love. It is a grand adventure and the journey is clear - filled with kind loving actions. I am filled with gratitude to be able to love and love and love...........