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I find that there is such a blessing to have the world at our fingertips. It means I get to connect at any point with people who put together words and thoughts so well. It's that quote we need to read and we can't understand why everyone doesn't believe the quote.

Such is a quote I found on Facebook this week that stopped me in my tracks. I don't know who for sure said the original quote but attribute it to the spiritual universe.

It states, "Those who died yesterday had a plan for this morning. And those who died this morning had plans for tonight."

Don't take life for granted; in the blink of an eye, everything can change. So forgive often and love with a full heart. You never know when you may not have that chance again.

WOW! It is the 'all at once' insights we get when thee is a radical change in our lives or in the lives of loved ones. I remember going in for the favorite medical procedure for all of us - the dreaded colonoscopy! This one of the medical procedures that occurs after fifty that leads us to believe once we hit fifty we will never touch the word 'dignity' in terms of our medical procedures.

Mine of course was unique. My wife was in the waiting room with a set of numbers (representing human beings because of HIPPA privacy regulations). She knew my number and she waited and waited and waited and waited. Finally instead of seeing me on the board for pick-u, she got a phone call. They asked her to come to where I was in the recovery room. This of course put her in a state of anxiety.

We instead met with our doctor who let us know that I had colon cancer. Talk about a set of words that change everything. My God, I have cancer! I might not have heard all the details after that. Later I realized we caught it very early and they would operate immediately.

The operation was flawless in removing the cancer along with a clear diagnosis for any other cancer. My wife again did not get this information.

First of all they discovered that the 'stuff' they give me to put me our during the procedure is not something my body likes. It took some strong efforts for them to brfing me back to a full conscious state. So again a short procedure took a bit of time.

In the entire procedure of all my health challenges, I find I have the easy part. I'm either unconscious or I'm tolerating some procedure so surreal I feel like I'm in another Monty Python skit.

The change in our lives is the number of times our spouse/partner/suport is sitting somewhere with no information heading for another rabbit hole imagaining all the bad things that might be happening.

So the entire blot today points toward one thing. Make full precious use of each moment you have because we don;t know how many moments we have left.

I do not fear dying. My biggest regret about the whole thing is no matter when the time to go arrives my mind will remind me that I have more to do. Thus I find an urgency to do the things that are in front of me and not put off anything. Now is the time to do it; it is mine to do so here we go. Now it's your turn; what are you waiting on? Yes, that one! Do that one now.

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