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So the connection and weaving that occurs between all of us are sometimes very evident and other times a faint glow of our light shining.

When I was in college we had an orientation day at the University. We were split into groups and were sent on a tour of the campus with a facilitator. I remember at the end of the tour we started to go into the cafeteria. I had slightly interacted with someone and as we ended the tour I turned to connect with him. He however was talking to someone else and so I missed talking to him. In the following years, he became quite active on campus and I was also active but we ran in different groups. I was in the midst of finding my way so was ready to learn and grow and connect. I realized later that Cliff made a mark in the community and if I had connected with him I would have gone in a different direction.

This kind of optional choice occurs over and over again as we move through life. We connect and take a path because of our connection. So in different points we have a set of choices that can take us down different roads.

This also happened when it came time to join a fraternity. Yes, I was one of 'those' people who became quite active in a fraternity. My two choices were first a very popular and active group nationally known and I was interested. But a friend of mine belonged to a smaller fraternity that was based in law and that was my chosen future. So I joined the smaller fraternity and again it changed my life.

If we stop for a moment and look back at our lives, we see that our paths are determined by the smallest of choices which impact where we go and how we show up. It then seems even stranger that we end up where we are. Life is something that we can often make plans for but the one thing I know about the Divine is that it can be totally random. Part of this is the truth that we are not always fully present in our choices and so at times the universe does not fulfill the direction because we are not completely committed. In every case when we fully commit, the universe jumps into the path and works to fulfill our wants and wishes.

So then it gets to be so very simple. What do we want? When we ask the questions, we eliminate the blocks that are present. The blocks around training, wealth, knowledge and everything else. It's simpler than that - what do we want? If you sit and write what you want then you have more of a sense of how you can get that. Life can be about every little thing around us. It can be about providing us with information as we do an internal check-in. What do we want?

So pause in the flow of your 'river of life' and check-in with what you want? Is it really what you want? What are the next steps around what you want? The Divine is ready to go; are you ready to start the process? Are you in the'yes' of the process? Get started now.........

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