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  • tigger148

Being Playful

Today they removed all the oxygen equipment from our house. It all seems like a bad dream so many months ago when my world fell apart. Suddenly I couldn't take a btrath and get any oxygen. For the first time in my life, we called 911.

Suddenly the house was filled with EMT's and firemen and firewomen. I noticed right away that all firemen and firewomen look like the next step in the human race. They are all incredibly good looking and incredibly healthy. They all seem to know exactly what they are doing.

My wife loves to see them shopping in the grocery store. She never misses the opportunity to walk up to them and ask what time dinner will be served?

I just noticed this week that now I've reached a new peak of health it is so easy to forget. It's easy to forget and slip into bad habits. Bad habits include not doing daily exercises, not using my breath machine, and not using my rubber ball to keep Frankie the fistula healthy. Frankie has matured and is well into his teenage years. He is active and buzzes loudly.

Rachel and I live in a house filled with inanimate things with human-like personalities.

Chubbles, our lead teddy bear, is precocious. At one point she was attempting to unionize all the teddy bears in the house (there are over 100 of them!). We've discovered that Chubbles had been secretly meeting with my fistula Frankie and teaching him bad habits. Last week when it was time to 'stick' me my tech had trouble finding Frankie. He was playing hide-and-seek and we believe Chubbles taught him to do that. So we had a talk with Chubbles and she's doing better. The only thing she;s done this week is have Frankie get so loud that his buzzing wakes me up.

What can I say!

I believe that being playful is one pf the most wonderful gifts God has given us to live. I am so blessed to have a wife who believes the same thing. But many people look at us (our teddy bears fly with us with their little heads sticking out of the top of our carry-ons.

At one point, we were in an airport with our two teddy bear's heads sticking up out of the luggage. A well-dressed couple walked up to us and the woman said loudly, "Oh my God!" We thought there was some judgement coming our way. Instead it changed when she grinned at us and said, :I wish we had brought our kids with us!"

By the way, we continue to play. I have named my walker Johnnie! Also a few years back we had formal photos taken os us as a couple. We also had another set of photos with our four lead teddy bears. It is so important to play.

I have said this before. I grew up in a war zone with no safety. The moment I moved out of the house my inner child took over. My little one in essence said, "I've not been impressed by the adults in your life so far, so I will be taking over." My little one has brought me down the road of the greatest adventure of all times. He has said 'yes' to things that I still can't believe. I wouldn't miss a minute and would do it all over again.

At one point in the Buffalo Springfield band, Steven Stills accused Neil Young of not being an adult. Young then wrote the song "I Am A Child."

Have you played lately?

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