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Airhead Genius


So we leave our mark. It is our signature of how we show up and each story is a representation of who we are. I for instance am a goofball. Someone once said to me that I am the perfect 'airhead genius'. I am the geometry student that drove the teacher crazy. I always had all the right answers but could never tell you how I got the right answers. I solved issued but don't know how I did it. It is all done by instinct and it all fits but God only knows how it happened.

This means me taking some incredible short cuts to get an answer. There is no rational for the short cuts; some of the steps make no sense. But it all works out in the end.

Case in point is my ironing technique. When I was in college and a number of years after college I ironed my shirts and pants (those were the days when clothing actually wrinkled and clothes had to be ironed to eliminate the wrinkles).

I had been self-taught in the field of ironing and had come up with a good system. It was quick and effective and it kept me ahead of the process. It was not my favorite thing to do. I always had a difficult time discovering when the iron was ready to start.

So i in my infinite wisdom would hold the iron up to my face to determine the heat level. Yes, up against my cheek to see if it was hot. This is one of those really poor ideas of life whe looked at in hindsight. Thus came the day when in holding the iron up against my cheeck the iron was too hot. Suddenly I had branded my cheek with the perfect imprint of an iron. There it was ; an iron pattern. It was really clear I had ironed my cheek. I discovered that it took almost a full week for the imprint to fade away. So for a week I explained to people the mark on my face was indeed from an iron. The next question was always 'why would you do that?' I reallly got some very strange looks. But it seemed like a really good idea at the time.

I also find in looking at things like this that there is a connective weave between us all. We are all connected by on thing or another. It is our first connection to find common ground. It is why the first common topic is always the weather. It is something that impacts all of us and something we can agree with among strangers. My difficulty is that I don't do a really good job of small talk. When I look into you eyes and ask 'How are you doing?' I really do want to know the answer. I want to know who you are and how you are showing up in the world.

I have talked in other blogs that there is a grand pattern to life. It is as if there is a loom that composes the universe and all the threads come together to make up everything. I tend to notice when some of the threads don't fit together as they should.

My first wife's husband was the man that caused the development of college programs for high schoolers to graduate college at 12 years old.. I met him later in his life and he had decided he wanted to know about weaving and looms. When we went to visit he had a 10' x 10' room filled with one large loom. I would sit in the room as he worked and watch him go through the weaving process with awe.

This is the patterns of how we live life. Each thread is a part of how we live and each thread fits into other threads into other threads into other threads. Thus continues the flow of life. I feel honored and blessed to be in the sacred pattern of the Divine loom. You are never alone for your threads fit in everywhere........

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