Today I'm taking a break. I've spent this peaceful Sunday morning trolling through the internet for a blog filled with useless facts I'm going to tell you. I'll share these facts anyway. Here we go.........
The United States Supreme Court resides in a multi-story building. On the top floor of the building there is a gym with a regulation-size basketball court. It is referred to as 'the highest court in the land.' Ouch!
Scientists have discovered that cats meowing is not how they communicate with each other. They developed meowing to communicate with humans to get their needs met. I want to know how they determined this?
Crows have the intelligence of a 7 year-old child. They recognize faces and use a material currency. They will drop walnuts into a busy roadway so that vehicles will run over the walnuts and then the crows feast.
There is absolutely no wild broccoli. The plant was developed by scientists.
The word 'Pacific Ocean' is unique. All the c's in the word are pronounced differently. The word 'queue' is actually the letter 'Q' with four silent letters.
Kangaroos cannot hop backwards so if you are in a tussle with one the best place to be is behind the kangaroo.
Space is only 62 miles away as defined by scientists (it must be true, after all look what they learned about meowing?).
The Lewis and Clark Expedition traversed across the United States to map the Louisiana Purchase. Later historians recreated the route doing research. The team had a mostly meat diet so they had problems with constipation. In order to work with that, they took a laxative called Thunder Clappers which was composed with a high level of mercury. The scientists just followed the mercury.
Frogs close their eyes when they eat. One of the most difficult tasks I had as a boy scout leader was during a camp out in an area with lots of water. One of the other leaders and his son did a training class on catching and preparing frog legs. They had a special tool they used to catch the frogs. That is as much as I will share because I thought the whole thing was disgusting.
Albert Einstein was on his deathbed and slowly passing away. Unfortunately his last words were in German. He was there with his housekeeper and she only spoke English.
Finally the TASER is a tool used by law enforcement to give an electric jolt to subdue an unruly person. But TASER actually stands for Thomas A. Swift Electric Rifle. Go figure!
Thanks to a couple internet articles from which I gathered these stories. I still want to know about the meowing. Does this mean the meow is a second language and cats are bi-lingual?
I hope this lighter side of my blog reminds you to "Always Look On The Brighter Side of Life!"
Thank you Monty Python and oh, by the way - meow!