I have had a life filled with cats. I haven't had a cat for some 40 years but it is a part of our family lore. We once traveled cross country in a Corvair for three days. The car had two adults, three kids, and a full blooded Siamese cat. Now my dad believed that trips were a race in time. Once the trip started the only stops was to get gas and use the bathroom. Once in a while he would take a short power nap by the side of the road.
Once somewhere in New Mexico he made such a stop near a trailer park in a parking lot. At 4 AM our cat got out. Our dad was yelling that we were leaving right away - cat or no cat! Our mom was screaming she wasn't leaving with out the cat. We kids were doing our level best to find the darn cat. After what seemed like forever we found the cat and off we went.
Then there was a period of time when I started to babysit. One family I babysat for would typically get home around 3 AM. They had a beautiful cat who would keep me company. One night as I was reading the cat was sleeping near me. Suddenly he jumped straight up in the air with all his hair on end. He bounced sideways to the front door hissing and giving out little growls. All I could think was that my life was about to end from whatever was on the other side of the door. The cat continued to hiss and I continued to freak out. Then all at once the cat stopped, twirled in a small circle, sat down and started to lick it's paws. All I could think was "What the hell was that all about?" I never did find out.
Our family at one point had a cat named Sam. One day my mom went out to the garage to do some laundry and found she had left the dryer door open. There in amon the warm and fluffy towels was Sam with four little kittens. We changed Sam's name to Samantha.
During my living in Australia, my girlfriend and I had a cat named Okker. We did not realize this was almost a racial slur to Australians. One of the hard parts of leaving the country was finding a home for Okker but we did.
Then after we got married we had a couple cats. One of them was the ultimate 'bad boyh." He was always in a foul mood. At one point we made him go outside more than he wanted.. At that point (unknown to us.) he started to pee in our potted plants. The plants all started to die and it wasn't until they were long gone we caught him. It took some hard work for him to do that into a pot. But he was determined.
We had another small cat who at one Thanksigiving tried to physicall steal our cooling turkey from a counter. We caught him just before he wrestled a 16 pound bird off the kitchen counter. Needles to say we cut out a part of the breast with bite marks and served the dinner anyway.
So cats are strange and wonderful creaturs. In Egypt, when mad started to feed the cats, the cats decided they must be Gods. You never own a cat; they own you and train you constantly. They come to you in many mysterious ways.
Once my first wife was babysitting a friend's kids. They had a huge cat. He was sitting in her lap. She said he suddenly looked up at her. He opened his mouth and took a chunk out or her arm growling the entire time. Then he went back to licking himself. She ended up in the hospital.
How can you tell if someone has owned a cat? It is the truth that a cat owner had heard gagging and wretching in the middle of the night and was galvanized into action. A hair ball is on it's way. Jumping out of bed your only job is to get the cat outdoors before you end up with a mess to clean up. All cat owners have gone through this.
In the end you can see why the folklore say witches have cats who are "familiars". There is a special bonding that occurs when you have a cat and it is precious. God bless if you had the chance..........