One of my grounding tools is a daily email I get. It is called TUT - Notes from the Universe. It is filled with empowering messages just for me - from the universe. It is so funny that we all need these extra tools to feed us spiritually. You would think that having been made in the image of God it would be just a natural function of each day to recognize how amazing we are.
The only time I've met others that have self-empowerment as their default in their personal lives there was something they have in common. Many of them are an only child from a family with very loving parents. It is as if these are special people who have never had to hide their light. 'This Little Light of Mine' speaks of hiding our light under a bushel and resoundingly states 'NO!" You can expand that out to so many quotes from Marianne Williamsons and others around self-empowerment.
This demonstrates to us the alluring power that ego has for us. It is that part of us that when things are going really well, there is another part just waiting to show up. This is the shoe waiting to drop, the next bad thing that will happen. It just can't be this good.
Ego is so powerful and embraces parts of us like shame and guilt. But remember - Guilt is optional.
There was a great quote in the opening of the sit-com Rhoda. During the opening of the show, Rhoda said, "My mom was so good at guilt that she had convinced me I was responsible for World War II."
So it is crucial that we build our bridge of support and fill it with self-empowerment tools. These are the inputs from others that are designed to remind us of our spiritual magnificence. There are a number of them on-line.
It's funny because I have a number of them in place. Yet there are periods of time that I receive them and I don't read them. Then I wonder how I end up at the bottom of a rabbit hole. Again it is that wonderful remembering and forgetting.
All the faith traditions and enlightened have quotes about being awake. When we are awake, we self-empower. When we forget, the journey become oh so much harder.
Self-empowerment comes from all directions.
This week I had my annual meeting with my arthritis doctor. I love him. He is listed as one of the best in the region. We talk about everything. We talked about the truth that everything carries a frequency. This frequency is impacted by everything - from the food we eat to how we feel.
He and I talked about the frequency of trees. It is so much slower than ours. So at points of time when I am agitated or down a rabbit hole, I will hug a tree. It must be afull body hug with arms open wide and then I close my eyes. After a period ot time, I end up fully rejuvanated. Empowerment comes from everywhere.
Where do you get your empowerment? What does your bridge of support look like? Take some time this week and assessment your empowerment and take steps to strengthen it. It will make a difference...........